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coverA Lucca Comics and Games 2010 uscirà anche Hunters of Dragons, una guida collezionistica a D&D scritta e curata in lingua inglese da Ciro Alessandro Sacco,  David White, Giulio Iannarella e Danilo Moretti. Edita da Wildboar Edizioni.

Ancora si ignorano formato e prezzo.

La guida collezionistica conterrà, oltre alla storia di D&D ricca e complessa nella sua evoluzione anche un capitolo che classifica tutte le varie uscite di questo splendido gioco.

Il manuale sarà impreziosito da una introduzione curata da Emanuale Vietina responsabile di Lucca Games.

Di seguito vi proponiamo il sommario dell’opera:

> Credits
> Thanks to…
> “I still haven’t found what I’m looking for”: introduction by Emanuele Vietina
> Chapter 1: The History of Dungeons & Dragons
> Chapter 2: The Various Editions of Dungeons & Dragons
first edition
second edition
third edition
fourth edition
fifth edition
sixth edition
> Chapter 3: Adventure Modules
first edition
second edition
third edition
fourth edition
# Basic Set series
# Expert Set series
# Companion Set Series
# Master Set series
# Immortal Set series
fifth edition
> Chapter 4: Accessories
first edition
second edition
third edition
fourth edition
# Accessory (AC) series
# Japanese Accessory (ACJ) series
# The New Accessory series
# Gazetteer (GAZ) series
# Player Character (PC) series
# Trail Map (TM) series
fifth edition
> Chapter 5: Boxed Sets
fourth edition
fifth edition
> Chapter 6: Hollow World
Gazetteer series
Adventure Series
> Chapter 7: Other Products
10th Anniversary products
# Gamebooks
# Novels
Electronic Games
Licensed Products
# Dragon
# Dungeon
# Imagine
Mini Reprints
# Minfigs
# Games Workshop
# Ral Partha
# D&D Player’s Association News
# D&D Player’s Association Broadsheet
# Fantastic Adventures
# Fantasy Worlds
# Game World
# Strategic Preview, The
# TSR Spotlight
# TSR Worlds
Pinball Machine
# D&D Collection
# Fantasy Empires
# Shadow over Mystara (Shadow of Mystara)
# Warriors of Eternal Sun
> Chapter 8: Unreleased products
City Geomorphs
BX1 The Islandia Campaign
DA5 The City of Blackmoor
The Princess Ark boxed set
PAS1 Heldannic Knights
PAA1 Crown of Synn
DCR1 Specularum AC 1011
Champions’ DM Screen
Adventures in Blackmoor boxed set
BMA1 Egg of Coot
BMA2 Doomsday Rod
PAS2 Winds of Sind
DCR2 Thyatis AC 1012
AC1013 Poor Wizard’s Almanac
Red Steel Campaign boxed set
RSA1 Rif Raf Barons
RSA2 Slagovich Conspiracy
PAS3 Swords of Wendar
DCR3 Ylaruam AC 1013
> Chapter 9: Judges Guild
> Chapter 10: Interviews
Gary Gygax
David Arneson
Larry Elmore
> Images


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